Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Purpose of My Blog

That line should be, "What the heck is the purpose of this blog?" I suppose the best answer to that question is this - I've had writer's block since my Mom passed away in December. The reason might be because I usually write things as I see them through my skewed sense of humor. Since Mom died, although if you talked to me you wouldn't notice, somewhere down deep inside, my sense of the ridiculous has left me. Maybe I can find it again writing here when I can.

I'll always label a fiction piece "Fiction:" so no one will think I actually am a high-roller in Vegas or a little girl in the Middle Ages. Those are just a couple of stories swirling around the campfire in my brain. Scoot in closer, get a weinie stick and let's talk and tell stories. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention, it's always summer on my blog.

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